00 02/07/2008 20:48
Inserisco una mia poesia che ho tradotto in inglese, dalla versione originale in italiano dal titolo "Accoglili nella tua pace, Signore!".
Questa poesia è stata appena pubblicata da un editore americano.
Pensate, la versione che ho tradotto in inglese, è stata pubblicata prima della versione originale in italiano.[SM=g1602832] [SM=x142897]

Receive them in your peace, my Lord! (5/7/2000)

Receive them in your peace, my Lord!
Donate them a haven
and safe refuge:
poor souls of two poor fishermen,
drowned in a storm’s night:
into deep whirlpool,
into dreadful waves,
into overturning stormy streams,
they closed again over them.
Receive them in your peace, my Lord!
The father, anticipating the storm,
wanted to advise unaware sons:
a ring was reached too late,
their inanimate bodies
were already dying
on the bottom of the sea:
that sea was my native land,
which always it gladdens
my childhood memories,
from which were born stars,
which fired in the sky:
and now, I’m sure, two stars
are born from the sea
and rise towards the sky.
Receive them in your peace, my Lord!



Cos'è un uomo se tutto ciò che cava dal suo tempo non è che dormire e nutrirsi?
Una bestia, nient'altro.
(W. Shakespeare)