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FIORI DI PENSIERO: poesie, racconti, riflessioni... Fiori di Pensiero è nato per permettere agli autori dilettanti di pubblicare le loro emozioni principalmente con la parola scritta, ma anche con immagini e suoni, usando il supporto più moderna che esista: Internet. La poesia è la principale rubrica del forum, ma trovano posto adeguato anche racconti, pensieri, riflessioni, dediche, lettere e tutto ciò che il cuore può dettare ed il pensiero esprimere.

Ciao a tutti

  • Messaggi
    Post: 7.154
    Post: 6
    Registrato il: 01/02/2006
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 19/01/2007 17:32
    Un saluto a tutti gli appassionati di poesia. Spero di trovarmi bene qui con voi. [SM=g27822]



    Eminem - Un genio - Un poeta

    Rest In Peace Proof

    ".. That's Rock Bottom When you feel you have had it up to here
    Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear.."
    (Eminem - Rock Bottom)

    "In my shoes, just to see, what it's like to be me
    I'll be you, let's trade shoes, just to see what it'd be like to
    Feel your pain, you feel mine, go inside eachothers minds
    Just to see, what we find, look at shit through eachothers eyes
    But don't let them say you ain't beautiful
    They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
    Don't let them say you ain't beautiful
    They can all get fucked, just stay true to you "
    (Eminem - Beautiful)

    Post: 15.764
    Post: 14.560
    Registrato il: 26/01/2003
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 20/01/2007 09:00

    Benvenuta in Fiori di Pensiero Tiziana [SM=x142846]
    Ho già visto un tuo fiore dagli splendidi colori d'emozione.

    A presto[SM=x142892]

    [SM=x142897] Giancarlo


    - Quando le parole hanno la musica dentro e la strofa è canto, allora il pensiero è diventato poesia.-
    Post: 7.161
    Post: 9
    Registrato il: 01/02/2006
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 20/01/2007 13:46
    Grazie, molto gentile [SM=g27821] [SM=g27822]



    Eminem - Un genio - Un poeta

    Rest In Peace Proof

    ".. That's Rock Bottom When you feel you have had it up to here
    Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear.."
    (Eminem - Rock Bottom)

    "In my shoes, just to see, what it's like to be me
    I'll be you, let's trade shoes, just to see what it'd be like to
    Feel your pain, you feel mine, go inside eachothers minds
    Just to see, what we find, look at shit through eachothers eyes
    But don't let them say you ain't beautiful
    They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
    Don't let them say you ain't beautiful
    They can all get fucked, just stay true to you "
    (Eminem - Beautiful)

    Post: 10.519
    Post: 86
    Registrato il: 23/11/2005
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 20/01/2007 17:03
    Ben ritrovata anche qui! [SM=x142845]


    Post: 7.175
    Post: 15
    Registrato il: 01/02/2006
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 21/01/2007 14:39
    Grazie!!! Felice di rivederti [SM=g27822]



    Eminem - Un genio - Un poeta

    Rest In Peace Proof

    ".. That's Rock Bottom When you feel you have had it up to here
    Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear.."
    (Eminem - Rock Bottom)

    "In my shoes, just to see, what it's like to be me
    I'll be you, let's trade shoes, just to see what it'd be like to
    Feel your pain, you feel mine, go inside eachothers minds
    Just to see, what we find, look at shit through eachothers eyes
    But don't let them say you ain't beautiful
    They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
    Don't let them say you ain't beautiful
    They can all get fucked, just stay true to you "
    (Eminem - Beautiful)