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What colour of bouquet?

  • Messaggi
  • johnnyhenderson
    00 07/10/2017 09:24

    I'm getting fake flowers and am a bit unsure on the colours to go for. Is a bridal bouquet typically ivory? Most pictures I see seem to have this, but I think it's so dull with an ivory dress! I'm thinking ivory and gold for bouquets and ivory butten holes, with green ties to match the bridesmaid dresses, does this sound like it would all tie in?

    Please help....

    I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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    Post: 12.742
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    Registrato il: 14/11/2003
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 24/10/2017 15:19
    Vorremmo ricordarti che in questo foeum e' obbligatorio l'uso della lingua italiana. Grazie.

